Sunday, June 24, 2007

Ahmad Shiozaki Yuki and Huriya Kushimoto Hiroko tied the knot at at Kota Sarang Semut, Alor Star, yesterday.
Ahmad Shiozaki Yuki and Huriya Kushimoto Hiroko tied the knot at at Kota Sarang Semut, Alor Star, yesterday.

ALOR STAR, Sun: It was a Malay wedding with a difference as the couple getting married was Japanese. Huriya Kushimoto Hiroko and Ahmad Shiozaki Yuki, both 29, tied the knot "Kedah-style" at SM Agama Nahdzah in Bukit Besar, Kota Sarang Semut, near here yesterday.

The two doctoral candidates at universities here felt this was the right thing to do being Muslims in Malaysia. Huriya, the eldest of two siblings, converted here last month while Ahmad Shiozaki converted six years ago in Tokyo.

"Observing how Muslims live here proves that Islam is a beautiful religion. This opened my heart towards the religion."As I treasure my time with the people at the school, we decided to hold our wedding according to Malay custom."

Huriya is studying at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia while Ahmad Shiozaki is at the International Islamic Universiti of Malaysia. Huriya became smitten with local culture after "adopting" SM Agama Nahdzah here for research on her thesis titled The Spread of Islamic Teachings.

"Since conducting my research here last September, the people at school have been treating me like family. "I observed their lives and religious activities.

"That was the beginning of my interest in Islam," said Huriya who speaks fluent Bahasa Malay-sia.

She came to Malaysia six years ago to study anthropology as part of a student exchange programme at Universiti Sains Malaysia. Last year, she started her doctoral studies on Islamic teachings. She met Ahmad Shiozaki earlier this year in Kuala Lumpur.

She said her family supported her decision to convert. Meanwhile, Ahmad was touched by the gotong-royong organised by students and school for the bersanding ceremony.

"I didn't expect them to go out of their way for us," said Ahmad Shiozaki, whose thesis is titled Islam and Politics.

Source : The New Strait Times

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